How softly you tiptoed into my world, so silently, only a moment you stayed, but what an imprint your footsteps have left upon my heart.

Hello all! It's that time of year again.

On 21 April 2007, I’ll be participating in the March of Dimes WalkAmerica event to help save babies from premature birth, the #1 cause of newborn death. Every year, more than half a million babies in the U.S. are born prematurely. And the numbers are escalating. If we don’t join together to save babies from premature birth, the problem will only get worse.

My husband and I were touched by a premature birth in September 2003. Our first son was born 11 weeks too soon. We were on vacation at my in-laws in Boston and I was sent to one of the premier hospitals in the nation. After 11 days, Baby Garrett lost his fight against the many illnesses he had gotten from being born premature. We were lucky to have him for 11 short days, but we still miss him every day.

That’s why I’m joining WalkAmerica and helping to raise money to fight premature birth. You can show you care by sponsoring me and supporting March of Dimes research into the cause of premature birth and genetic birth defects.

Please visit my website to donate money to my efforts.

Please share this post with as many people as you know to help me reach my goal of $1500.

Thank you so much for your help.

If you would prefer to send a check, please email me.

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