How softly you tiptoed into my world, so silently, only a moment you stayed, but what an imprint your footsteps have left upon my heart.
You would think someone in the middle of taking classes to finish her undergrad wouldn't have time to read for fun. Well, I don't care about reading textbooks. I can usually get everything I need from lectures.

I just finished the most incredible book. It was
At First Sight by Nicholas Sparks. As I got further into the book I thought it should have come with a warning for parents that have lost children through stillbirth or prenatal loss. However, it turns out that the warning is not needed.

I was quite moved by the book. It is not the quite of book that I would normally read. I usually read Richard North Patterson so this was a bit different than I am used to.

If you need something to read while on vacation this summer, pick up this book. It is an easy read and doesn't require a lot of thinking.

Anyone else have any book suggestions? I need something to read at the pool.

