How softly you tiptoed into my world, so silently, only a moment you stayed, but what an imprint your footsteps have left upon my heart.
Funny Story
Tomorrow night we are taking wee man to his first hockey game. I'm really quite excited about it except I'm afraid he will be afraid of the loud speakers and he will fall asleep in the middle of the game. I'm sure Ken will take four thousand pictures, so I will be sure to share them with you.

Funny story. When I dropped wee man off at daycare yesterday morning his caregiver asked me if I was pregnant. I quickly told her no. She said wee man had told everyone that he got a brother for Christmas. I relayed this story to my husband this morning and he said remember he went to see brother during Christmas. That makes more sense.

Explanation--every Christmas eve we visit my angel and light a candle. We had told wee man we were going to see brother. I don't know who got the story messed up, but I will be sure to clear that up tomorrow.
